Time Out for a Recap on Fibrinaloid Clot Transcripts (No memes, sorry)
Transcriber B's collection of transcripts of censored and shadow-banned video (and excerpts therefrom) of 2022-2023
Usually when I call “time out” it’s for a batch of memes, but not today. It’s time out for a recap on the fibrinaloid clots (aka “white” clots). Embalmers started finding these strange rubbery structures in bodies in 2022— and it was Dr. Jane Ruby who broke the story in her interview with US embalmer Richard Hirschman. Since then other embalmers and funeral directors have come forward: Brenton Faithfull, Anna Foster, Wallace Hooker, Laura Jefferey, Nicky Rupright King, John McGhee, and most energetically, John O’Looney. Pathologists including Drs. Ryan Cole and Arne Burkhardt have spoken publicly about their findings as well. Reportedly, such structures have also been found in living patients.
Long, worm-like, rubbery “white clots” might sound absurd, like something out of a bad movie, but the evidence is now international that these are in fact real, and they are appearing often enough to merit serious concern as yet another addition to the now stupendous list of adverse reactions to the covid jabs.
At this point in time, mid-January 2025, the latest news on the fibrinaloid clots is over at Laura Kasner’s Substack, Clotastrophe. Of note, Kasner recently covered the results of her and Thomas Haviland’s third annual embalmer’s survey (read about that here and here). If you want to see photos of the fibrinous clots (—not for the squeamish—), Clotastrophe is a go-to resource.
My modest contribution to putting some light on this topic has been to transcribe selected excerpts from censored videos of testimony from funeral directors, embalmers, and pathologists. (Please note that my general focus is on transcribing censored and shadow-banned video 2021-2023. Undoubtedly there is much more video that merits a transcription in 2024, and beyond, but I need to be moving on.) What I have to date then are transcripts from 2022-2023 of testimony from named individuals in the US, Canada, Ireland, UK, Germany, and New Zealand. (For updates, see my index page and see also the page on fibrinaloid clots.)
In chronological order:
Dr. Jane Ruby and Embalmer Richard Hirschman Look at Rubbery Clots (brief excerpt)
"I want to warn people, this is going to be a bit graphic"
Source video:
“Worldwide Exclusive: Embalmers Find Veins & Arteries Filled with Never Before Seen Rubbery Clots”
DrJaneRubyShow Published January 31, 2022
Embalmer Anna Foster Talks to Steve Kirsch About Finding Large "Fibrous-Looking" Clots (excerpts)
"They're just bizarre.... It's like calamari."
Source video:
Explosive: Embalmer reveals 93% of cases have deadly clots caused by the COVID vax
stkirsch, posted February 12, 2022
UK Funeral Director John O'Looney Talks About the White Clots (brief excerpt)
"This one, this one here came out of the aorta. From the heart. They take the shape of the vessels that they're growing in, totally, and they gradually fill the vessels as they grow. And, and these, obviously, that's what's killed him."
Source video:
John O'Looney Presents Latest Clotting Evidence in the Vaccinated
June 30, 2022
Embalmer Wallace Hooker Speaks Out on Finding Fibrinous Stuctures (Excerpts)
"How can we as decent human beings turn a blind eye to what we're seeing in the embalming rooms?"
Source video:
"Wallace Hooker - Embalmer and Funeral Director Speaks Out About the 'Clots' (that aren't clots)"
[Interview by Sherry Strong]
Children's Health Defense Canada September 12, 2022
New Zealand Funeral Director Brenton Faithfull Talks to Liz Gunn About the White Clots (excerpt)
"I've never seen anything like these... I'm finding it in vaccinated bodies not unvaccinated bodies."
Source video:
Whistleblowing Kiwi Funeral Director Brenton Faithfull
FreeNZ, October 6, 2022
Embalmer Nicky Rupright King Talks to Jason Liosatos About the Fibrinous Clots (excerpts)
"I had never seen anything like that ever in my career and many bodies of embalming. That particular one, I actually tore my respirator off and slid down the side of the counter and just started crying. It's very scary to see that. I, myself, I am vaccinated as well. And so are my parents."
Source video:
Jason Liosatos, November 29, 2022
Project Humanity with Jason Liosatos
Pathologist Dr. Ryan Cole on What's in the Strange Fibrous Clots (brief excerpt)
"that's fibrin, it's reticulin, it's a bunch of amino acids, but more importantly, there's a material that the body doesn't break down very easily called amyloid"
Source video:
"Foot-Long Blood Clots" From mRNA, Says Pathologist Dr. Ryan Cole w/ Dr. Kelly Victory – Ask Dr. Drew
December 1, 2022
Embalmer John McGhee Talks About the White Clots to Off-Grid Ireland Podcast (Excerpts)
"The clots that are forming now are made of, not composed of blood. That's the thing. That's what's not common. And the consistency and the size. It's just like something that's never been experienced before."
Source video:
"Embalmer John McGhee Chats Off-Grid Ireland"
Off-Grid Ireland, posted December 31, 2022
Dr. Sam Sigoloff and Tom Haviland Talk About the Battle in the Unseen Realm (Excerpt)
"This is a battle for your mind, for your heart, for your soul. And what we need to do is have everyone understand that and stand up for God's Kingdom. And gain that ground."
— Dr. Sam Sigoloff
"I totally agree with you, Dr. Sam. You know, pray about it, and trust a little bit more your God-given natural immune system."
— Tom Haviland
Source video:
"69. Tom Haviland and the Fibrous Clots"
Dr. Sigoloff, February 12, 2023
Canada's National Citizens Inquiry: Embalmer Laura Jeffery (selected excerpts)
"It is horrifying"
Source video:
Canada's National Citizens Inquiry
Also (same video)
Licensed Funeral Director Laura Jeffery on Post-Vaccine Embalming | NCI
April 1, 2023
Worldwide Embalmer Blood Clot Survey: Dr. Joseph Sansone Interviews Thomas Haviland and Laura Kasner
(two excerpts)
* Laura Kasner on her efforts to present evidence of mass murder to Ohio officials (first excerpt)
"I had a connection to one of the state senators who's in a county near me and I met with her back in April, presented her with a 400, almost 400-page binder. Didn't have to convince her of the dangers of the shot, she was well aware of them. She didn't, and her family didn't get the shots."
* Thomas Haviland on the Worldwide Embalmer Blood Clot Survey (second excerpt)
"We had 179 embalmers responded worldwide to the survey. And of those that responded, 119 of them, almost exactly 66%, two-thirds, are indeed seeing the white fibrous clots"
— Thomas Haviland
"The clots almost look like large night-crawler worms. They are usually very long. They kind of branch off from the main clot. I started noticing them after the covid vaccine came out. I've been embalming for the last 13 years and I've only started seeing these clots in the last year or two."
— Embalmer from Missouri who participated in the survey
Source video:
Interview - Thomas Haviland and Laura Kasner
josesansone, posted September 4, 2023
Laura Kasner Confronts Ohio Attorney General Dave Yost
"How many more Ohioans... will die before your office conducts an investigation?"
Source video:
Shocking! Ohio Attorney General Claims 'No Authority to Investigate' C19 Deaths and Injuries from C19 'vaccine' (AKA Bioweapon)
joesansone, posted September 3, 2023
Pathologist Dr. Arne Burkhardt Talks to Taylor Hudak About the Fibrinaloid Clots (excerpts)
"we concluded that these clot formations are an indication that, that, that in the past there was endothelial damage, and if it's still forming it's an ongoing endothelial damage, and through the endothelial damage, proteins and matrix constituents of the vessel wall come into the blood, can circulate in the blood. And under certain circumstances they can form these clots... it seems to be the case that it is associated with vaccination."
Source video:
"Dr. Arne Burkhardt's Final Interview— Revealing the Grave Dangers of mRNA Vaccines"
By Taylor Hudak, December 23, 2023
See also:
Funeral Director John O'Looney Shows 7 Vials of the White Clots
"Each one represents a person murdered by the state who will never see justice unless we get it for the, And I devote my life into getting that justice for them. This has got to stop."
Source video:
John Olooney ( at ) OlooneyJohn
10:52 AM October 20, 2024
[Please note that the focus of this collection is video from 2021-2023. Transcripts outside this time frame are a rare exception]
> List of Transcriptions by Transcriber B
> What’s This All About? (includes contact information)
> 1-Experts Speak Out
> 2-Injured and Bereaved Speak Out
> 3-Do Not Comply