Who Was Speaking Out in '21? Filmed by Welcome the Eagle, RFK, Jr. Drops Zoom Call VAERS Bomb at Calvary Chapel, San Jose, CA
Transcript of an excerpt from a censored video of 2021
Filmed by Welcome the Eagle, RFK Jr. Drops Zoom Bomb at Calvary Chapel, San Jose, CA
"I was on a Zoom call this week with a bunch of people who work in the VAERS system... And what they said to me, and these are people who are doing this, is that every week there were 10 deaths disappearing from the system that were reported, and now there's at least 10 a day disappearing. So they're reported and then they're disappearing. And they say, not only deaths but injuries, that 150,000 injuries have been dropped from the system. These are people within the system. But even when the system is working, it collects, it captures fewer than 1% of vaccine injuries."
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Source video:
"RFK Jr says 150,000 Reports "Disappeared" from VAERS"
Filmed June 19, 2021
welcometheeagle, posted December 19, 2022
Hat tip:
See also:
> List of Transcriptions by Transcriber B
> What’s This All About? (includes contact information)
> 1-Experts Speak Out
> 2-Injured and Bereaved Speak Out
> 3-Do Not Comply