"I think the trick is with the lipid nanoparticle"— DMED Whistleblower Dr. Sam Sigoloff Talks with VMFA Doctors About the DMED Data, the Mandates, and What's in the Spikeshots (Excerpt)
Transcript of an excerpt from a censored video of 2023
This is the second of two excerpts. If you didn’t catch the first part, you can find it here.— TB
Q & A with Dr. Sam Sigoloff, including discussion of the DMED data
"And to kind of demonstrate the gravity of changing this data, it would be as if there was a platoon of about 30 guys and they send their scout to go look over the ridge line. And as he's looking over the ridge line, he sees 100,00 enemy troops. And he comes back to his 30 guys and says, yeah, don't worry about it, it's fine, don't worry about it, there's nobody there. Because the entire reason that the DMED data base is erected is to be the forward-facing medical eyes, to see if there's an issue that's affecting the troops, some medical issue that no one's able to connect. well, that's why that data base was put into place. And now we've got a conspiracy, because it took more than one person to take this data base down, to change all the information to blind the medical eyes of the military and to aid and abet the enemy."
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Source video:
"Dr. Sam Sigoloff, a family medicine physician and US Army Major"
Virginia Medical Freedom Alliance, June 14, 2023
> List of Transcriptions by Transcriber B
> What’s This All About? (includes contact information)
> 1-Experts Speak Out
> 2-Injured and Bereaved Speak Out
> 3-Do Not Comply